
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

enum in c# .NET

What is enum?

An enum is a value type with a set of related named constants often referred to as an enumerator list. The enum keyword is used to declare an enumeration. It is a primitive data type, which is user defined.

Enums type can be integer (float, int, byte, double etc.). But if you used beside int it has to becast.

enum is used to create numeric constants in .NET framework. All member of enum are of enum type. There must be a numeric value for each enum type.

The default underlying type of the enumeration elements is int. By default, the first enumerator has the value 0, and the value of each successive enumerator is increased by 1.

enum Dow {Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri};

Program to demonstrate how to create and Use an Enum:

using System;

namespace example_enum
    class Program
        public enum DayofWeek
            Sunday = 1, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Sunday,DayofWeek.Sunday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Monday,DayofWeek.Monday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Tuesday,DayofWeek.Tuesday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Wednesday,DayofWeek.Wednesday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Thursday,DayofWeek.Thursday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Friday,DayofWeek.Friday);
            Console.WriteLine("Day of week {0} {1}", (int)DayofWeek.Saturday,DayofWeek.Saturday);

Some points about enum: 
  • enums are enumerated data type in c#.
  • enums are not for end-user, they are meant for developers.
  • enums are strongly typed constant. They are strongly typed, i.e. an enum of one type may not be implicitly assigned to an enum of another type even though the underlying value of their members are the same.
  • Enumerations (enums) make your code much more readable and understandable.
  • enum values are fixed. enum can be displayed as a string and processed as an integer.
  • The default type is int, and the approved types are byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, long, and ulong.
  • Every enum type automatically derives from System.Enum and thus we can use System.Enum methods on enums.
  • Enums are value types and are created on the stack and not on the heap.
You give two same values in enum type?

Yes we can have same value in enum type. Example when we want to set priority options like

Normal                       0
Excellent                    1
Default                      0
Good                         3

Program showing enum type having same values

using System;

namespace enum_example4
    class Program
        public enum DayofWeek
            Sunday = 1, Monday, Tuesday = 1, Wednesday, Thursday = 2, Friday, Saturday

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] values = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DayofWeek));
            foreach (string s in values)


            int[] n = (int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayofWeek));
            foreach (int x in n)

Program to find out number of values in enum

using System;

namespace enum_exampl3
    class Program
        public enum DayofWeek
            Sunday = 1, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] values = Enum.GetNames(typeof(DayofWeek));
            int total = 0;
            foreach (string s in values)
            Console.WriteLine("Total values in enum type is : {0}", total);

            int[] n = (int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(DayofWeek));
            foreach (int x in n)

Above code review:

In the above program you have string and numeric representation of enum values. Enum class contains many useful methods for working with enumerations. The beauty of enum is that you can process it as integer value and display as string.

Generic Types in C#

Generic Types

Generics are the most powerful feature of C# 2.0. It allows defining type-safe data structures, without committing to actual data types. In C# 1.0 we can either declare reference type or value type. But in most of the application we come across situation where we need type that can hold both reference & value type. In such situation we use generic types.

Why Generics?
  1. Generic type doesn't care what the type is. We can specify the type at runtime.
  2. It avoids boxing difficulties. In C# 1.0, if we want to put any object into a List, Stack, or Queue objects, we have to take type as System.Object.
  3. It boosts the performance of the application because we can reuse data processing algorithm without duplicating type-specific code.
How Generic implemented:

(1)    Generic type is instantiated at run-time not compiled time
(2)    Generic type are checked at time of declaration not at instantiation
(3)    It works for both reference type & value type.

Let's create simple class "GenericList" using C# 1.0 & 2.0 respectively & compare them.

Code GenericList Class (C# 1.0)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text; 
public class GenericList
        private  object[] elements;
        private int count; 
        public GenericList()
            elements = new object[10];
        public object this[int index]
            get { return elements[index]; }
            set { elements[index] = value; }
        public void Add (object parm)
            if (count == elements.Length)
                  // Increase the
                  object[] tmpArray = null ;
                  elements = new object[count * 2];
                  elements = tmpArray;                             
            elements[count] = parm;
            count = count + 1;

Main Method:

static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("using C# 1.0"); 
            GenericList list = new GenericList();
            list.Add(20);        //Argument is boxed
            list.Add(40);        //Argument is boxed
            list.Add("Sixty");   //Error in retrieving
            Console.WriteLine("Item Added"); 
            int val = (int)list[0]; //Casting required
            Console.WriteLine("Value retrived : " + val); 

Memory Consumption

In C# 1.0 boxing is necessary evil to make type system work. While working with structures of System.Collection namespace (Stacks,List,Hashtable etc) we face the problem in insertion & retrieval of values. We need to take System.object as type & System.object is reference type, so whenever we access the hashtable, the runtime has to box the values to put into the collection & need to unbox to take it out.

list.Add(20);        //Argument is boxed

In C# int takes 4 byte but when it boxed it take (4+8) 12 bytes, which is 3 times to normal size.
In C# 2.0 the type is decided at runtime so boxing does not take place.

Type Safe

When we use the statement

list.Add ("Sixty"); or List [3] = "sixty";

It compiles successfully but later on if some one pulls value and cast it into integer it fails. The problem is fixed in C# 2.0; we will get compilation error there.

Code GenericList Class (C# 2.0)

public class GenericList<T>
        public GenericList()
            elements = new T[10]; 
        private T[] elements;
        private int count;        
        public T this[int index]
            get {return elements [index];}
            set {elements [index] = value;}
        public void Add (T parm)
            if (count == elements.Length)
                T[] tmpArray = null;
                elements.CopyTo(tmpArray, 0);
                elements = new T [count * 2];
                elements = tmpArray; 
            elements [count] = parm;
            count = count + 1;  

Main Method:

static void Main(string[] args)
{Console.WriteLine("using C# 1.0"); GenericList<int> genericList = new GenericList<int>();genericList.Add (10);          //No boxinggenericList.Add (20);          //No boxing
// genericList.Add("Fifty");   //Compile Time ErrorConsole.WriteLine("Item Added"); int valGeneric = (int)genericList[0]; //No Casting RequiredConsole.WriteLine("Value retrived : " + valGeneric); 

Some other Points:

(1) Type parameter can be applied to Class, struct, interface & delegates.
 struct Buket<K, V>; interface ICompare<T>
(2)    Type parameter can have constraints.

Public class Books where T: struct
The type argument for class Books must be a value type
Public class Books where T: class
The type argument for class Books must be a reference type
Public class Books where T: new( )
The type argument for class Books must have a public default constructor
Public class Programmer where T: <Employee>
The type argument for class Programmer must be of Employee type.