
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Divide Sequence into Groups and Query using LINQ

I had blogged about Querying a Sequence using LINQ. Now let us say if this sequence was to be divided into smaller sequences/batches and then queried upon, here’s how we would do it using LINQ
We will divide the sequence we generated into a group of 10’s and find the minimum and maximum value in each group. Use the following code:
static void Main(string[] args)
    var sequence = Enumerable.Range(200, 200).Select(x => x / 10f);

    var grps = from x in sequence.Select((i, j) => new { i, Grp = j / 10 })
                group x.i by x.Grp into y
                select new { Min = y.Min(), Max = y.Max() };

    foreach(var grp in grps)
    Console.WriteLine("Min: " + grp.Min + " Max:" + grp.Max);
The query shown above first projects each element of a sequence into a new form and groups by 10. The results are shaped into an enumerable collection of anonymous objects with a property Min and Max. These values are then printed on the console, as shown below:
LINQ Sequence Grouping

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